Saturday, February 11, 2017

Madaha Ajikosha, Ampa Tano Makonda

MUSICIAN Baby Joseph Madaha been opened into the decision of the Head of Dar, Paul Makonda start to deal with the suppliers and users of drugs, saying that it may help many stars change. Akipiga working on the story and Friday
recently, Baby Madaha who also served stumble scandal allegedly supplying our goods to fi imperiled flour Arabia, said that he knew many true stars are logged and drizzle fi sharisha the dough so the act of some kutaitiwa, it can be a good start.
"I used to allegedly supplying our goods fi imperiled meal but it was not true. Wanaouza and use are known, so I just give him five Makonda good to this point, I believe there we go these efforts will bear fruit, "said Madaha

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